We’re always in need of enthusiastic, motivated individuals, from upper-grade high schoolers to senior citizens, to help with weekly beautification projects!
We plant, weed and do tree care in the Urban Forest and along the Shipley to Shore Nature Trail in the back (south end) of Central Park West on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings. While planting is everyone’s favorite task, please keep in mind that the cost of newly planted trees and bushes adds up! Also, they will require regular watering for the first few months to survive. Help with their expense and ongoing tending is appreciated.
Volunteers waivers are required and can be found by clicking the button below.
To make group arrangements and for more details, please email jnagytree@aol.com.
HB Tree Society team members also plant, weed and nurture the Secret Garden and beautify other areas of Central Park East. Children should be accompanied by an adult. We have a work day every Friday from 10 am to 12 pm. Wear sturdy shoes and a hat, and bring gloves, trowel and clippers if you have them, along with your water bottle. Come into the Garden and ask for the volunteers, as we are probably working all over the Secret Garden.
Rain cancels. Questions? Call Juana at 714-960-3354.
Find volunteers in Gibbs Butterfly Park on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. To receive training to volunteer here, please email jnagytree@aol.com.

Hello, I am interested in volunteering. I am home from college and would love to spend some time in nature helping with gardening. Do I just show up to a scheduled time with my waiver or do I need to complete anything else before joining?
Thank you.
Hello Cambria,
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! We find it’s a wonderful way to spend time in nature, stay active, and help beautify our surroundings.
Although our volunteers are almost always present during the specified dates and times, we encourage you to reach out to Jean Nagy via text message to ensure there are no weather delays or other unforeseen events that might delay / postpone a regularly scheduled volunteering event.
You can find Jean’s cell phone number on our contact page! Just let her know when and where you would like to volunteer, and yes, do bring a printed copy of your volunteer waiver (it is legaly required before volunteering with us).
We look forward to meeting you soon!
i would like to volunteer with my children. How old must they be to help?
Thank you.
Hi MaryAnn, Thanks for asking! As long as your kids are well supervised by you, they are welcome to help, though from my personal experience (with my grandkids) it seems under age 5 they don’t have the “staying power” for more than an hour.
Hello, I’m researching places for my friend to volunteer at that is outdoors and in nature. Must you be in perfect shape to volunteer? Where are you located exactly and how often do you have to volunteer. Thank you
Hi Laura, we welcome new volunteers. Join us in the Urban Forest ~ 9 am on Thursdays, Fridays or Saturdays. We will have a consent waiver for you to sign & your friend will be good to go!