California Arbor Days

Did you know that Huntington Beach is a designated Tree City USA?  One of the ways HB Trees helps the city maintain that status is to hold an annual CA Arbor Day event involving youth. The day’s purpose is to celebrate nature and learn more about how to nurture it, and to encourage people to plant trees. Click on the above image to print it.



Jacaranda Grove Given on California Arbor Day, 2020. Within a few years, six Jacaranda trees, planted by HB Tree Society volunteers and President Jean Nagy (bottom row) along the trail paralleling Ellis Ave., should branch out, bloom, and carpet the trailside with blue trumpet flowers. California Arbor Day on March 7, brought out cadets from Sunburst Youth Academy & CalJOBS who, in partnership with the City of Huntington Beach, participated in planting the Jacaranda grove. Everyone on hand for the planting and celebration – including City Council members Kim Carr and Barbara Delgleize – enjoyed hearing songs about trees by the Threshold Choir and a tree poem read by volunteer Ann Anderson, playing Nature Bingo to earn ranger badges, and writing inspirational tags to hang on Urban Forest trees. An impromptu, requested cadence performed by the visiting volunteers added to the fun.

HB Tree Society California Arbor Day 2020 celebration & planting was made possible thanks to:

California ReLeaf – @CalReLeaf
City of Huntington Beach
Shade Tree Partnership Nursery
SCE, Edison International, @SCE
Sunburst Youth Academy
US Forest Service, @USForestService
West Coast Arborists

#California  – #ArborWeek

Carr Park was the recipient of new trees for Arbor Day 2019.

Arbor Day 2018