Central Park “Secret Garden”


Central Park “Secret Garden”

50 trees for 50 years

Please click on the “Paypal Donate Now” button above, or the one below, to donate to the “50 Trees for 50 Years” project.

We’re celebrating spectacular Huntington Central Park’s 50th anniversary by replacing some of the hundreds of trees lost. Generous donations from Chevron and you have helped us on our quest. As of June 15, 2024, 60 replacement trees have been planted in HCP East! With your donations, we will continue foresting and beautifying HB’s parks. Simply click on the above yellow “Donate” button to help.
 Hummingbirds love the Pride of Madeira plants in the Secret Garden that bloom every spring.

You’re Invited to Explore the
Huntington Beach Central Park Secret Garden &
see our newly installed arch!

See more about the arch and its ribbon-cutting celebration by clicking here.

The Secret Garden was created in 1992 as a demonstration “xeriscape” garden to showcase drought tolerant plants.  Due to budget constraints the garden had become overgrown and invasive weed curtains were blocking out sunlight. Many of the bushes and trees did not survive. Since October 2014, the HB Tree Society volunteers have spent many hours removing the dead plants, trimming back the overgrowth and weeding out the invasive plants from the garden. The city parks department has worked with the volunteers by removing the many piles of plant material created by the restoration.

All of the lined, decomposed granite paths and river rock dry streams are new to the Secret Garden. These new features have been designed and constructed by volunteers with the help of a wonderful landscaper. The California friendly plants have been artistically placed. If you need inspiration for your own personal space, this is the spot to visit.

The garden is located behind Huntington Central Park Library and has Huntington park hours.  Working volunteers and donations are needed. This picturesque site is perfect for bird watching or just enjoying the scenery.

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Steve Engel

Steve Engel, along with his wife Shari, have been volunteering in Huntington Central Park (HCP) for over 20 years. Being founding members of the Friends of the Shipley Nature, they worked to create programs and events enjoyed by many volunteers and visitors to the Center. For the past 10 years they have worked to encourage a number of improvements to HCP East. Improvements include the Shipley Nature Center parking lot, pathway repaving, restroom restoration, the Secret Garden, Jack Green Restoration and much more.

Steve is also the driving force behind the 2024 "50 Trees for 50 Years" campaign, successfully replacing trees lost in the park.
