Natives Nursery
Our Native Nursery projects help provide our community and parks with plants.
When you contribute to the HB Tree Society, Inc., you help keep one of nature’s most critical partnerships in balance. Your donation is spent wisely, going straight toward getting trees into the Southern California landscape by our all-volunteer organization.
Monarch Butterfly Milkweed Plants
This narrow leaf milkweed is used by the Monarch caterpillars to feed on, and for the female to lay her eggs on its leaves. We distribute these plants to anyone interested in planting them in their yards to increase the population of the Monarchs.
Potting soil and narrow leaf milkweed starters are needed.

Water-wise and Fire Resistant Plants
With funding, we’ll continue to add CA-friendly and fire-resistant plants.
California water-wise natives, like the ones pictured below, are needed.