Our Mission

About Us

Our Mission

Huntington Beach Tree Society (HBTS) was incorporated in 1998 as a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) with the purposes of:

  • Planting and maintaining trees.
  • Educating the public about the benefits & importance of trees & California friendly plants.
  • Enlarging our green environment (another name for plants/trees in cities) for the enjoyment and health of all.
  • Increasing habitat for urban wildlife.

Exceptional attributes:

  • We are an equal opportunity, all-volunteer organization.
  • Donations do not go to salaries. Our dollars go a long way!
  • We have a donated office and donated use of two trucks.
  • To date we have purchased and planted more than 8,000 trees and CA-friendly plants growing in and around the Urban Forest, located in southwest Huntington Beach Central Park.
Jean Nagy

After moving to the Huntington Beach area in the mid 90s, Jean Nagy was troubled to see so few trees in the city. Upon voicing these concerns to city leadership, she was encouraged to start a tree society. Thus, the HB Tree Society was born, in 1998

Jean's efforts cover everything from the ground up -- from putting shovel-to-earth to securing grants for new park spaces and planting trees on city streets. Jean devotes over 2,000 hours annually, totaling over 52,000 service hours. She spearheads maintenance and restoration efforts, resulting in the planting of over 8,000 native trees and plants annually, equivalent to a $500,000 contribution to the city each year.

Jean's commitment remains unwavering as she continues her work in the HB Urban Forest every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.