Lost & Found

Contact Us

Lost & Found

HB Trees is not responsible for items left or lost at our locations

For found items

We ask all visitors that may find a misplaced item to contact us. We will arrange for the found item to be moved to a safer location as soon as possible.

For lost items

If you may have left or lost an item at one of our locations, we encourage you to be sure to check all the places the item may have been misplaced.

Although we are not responsible for items you may have lost at one of our locations, if you’d like use to keep an eye out for something, please send us detailed description of the lost item and if it matches anything that has been found, we will contact you for further confirmation.

Once ownership has been established, we will discuss arrangements for retrieving your item.

Contacting Us

If you left or lost an item while volunteering or scouting, we encourage you to reach out the other volunteers and volunteer coordinators.

For items that may have been left at the Urban Forest, contact Jean Nagy using the information below.

Everyone involved with our organization, from Volunteer to President, brings immense value and purpose to the work we do.

This article was written by a Huntington Beach Tree Society team member with a sincere passion to help the world we all share get better with each passing day.

If you would like to get involved and make a difference today, we invite you to connect with us.
