Hummingbird Habitat
“Due to our mild coastal climate, both Anna’s and Allen’s Hummingbirds breed year-round in our local parks. These airborne jewels act as highly efficient and key essential pollinators as they hover, sip nectar, and then zip rapidly from blossom to blossom in this reciprocally beneficial cycle of life. Watch for this fascinating spectacle of nature as they busily thrive amidst our flowering trees, bushes and flowering plants cycling throughout the seasons.” – Urban Forest Birder Betty Kanne
Expect to see Hummingbirds during your visit to the HB Urban Forest. These tiny aerialists are frequently seen catching protein-yielding insects and pollinating flowers, such as the poppies, sages and lupine found throughout the Urban Forest’s Hummingbird Sanctuary and beyond.
Allen’s Hummingbird, Selasphorus sasin

Allen’s Hummingbirds are one of two species of hummingbird that live year-round in Huntington Beach and are found in coastal forests, parks and backyards that stretch from Southern California to Southern Oregon. They are known for appearing green and copper in color and grow to about3 3/4 inches.
Adult males have a coppery tail, an eye patch and a belly that contrast with their bronze-green back and an orange gorget. Adult females are a much duller bronze-green color, with their gorget slightly speckled green and orange-red in the center.
Anna’s Hummingbird, Calypte anna
Measuring about 4 inches, Anna’s Hummingbirds are only slightly larger than Allen’s Hummingbirds. The male has a shocking-magenta head and gorget that flash in the sunlight along with its green, jewel-toned body to create an alluring, attention-getting display. Females present duller brown and shimmering green.
Adult male Hummingbirds can be seen conducting a performance to attract females through a choreographed light show and a burst of sound. If the male is successful, the female will construct a thimble-sized nest and incubate for two-to-three weeks before the eggs hatch. The female will feed the hatchlings in the nest for about three weeks while they rapidly grow, form wings and ultimately fledge from the nest to fend for themselves.

Discover more about the nearly 100 bird species observed in recent months in the HB Urban Forest in Our Monthly Bird Surveys