All Entries

Get Involved


All of our locations are well suited for observing birds and other wildlife, especially the Urban Forest, which has become a “hot spot” for birders. Each month, birders descend to record and photograph bird observations. Please note, these monthly birding surveys are conducted by expert birders and are not something we recommend for the general [...]

Volunteer Waiver

The HB Tree Society welcomes individuals and groups who would like to volunteer their time, talent and energies for the enhancement of trees and parks in Huntington Beach. All volunteers must print and sign the waiver below and bring it with them on their first volunteering outing. We cannot accept any volunteer without first having [...]


We’re always in need of enthusiastic, motivated individuals, from upper-grade high schoolers to senior citizens, to help with weekly beautification projects! We plant, weed and do tree care in the Urban Forest and along the Shipley to Shore Nature Trail in the back (south end) of Central Park West on Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings. [...]

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