White-crowned Sparrow


White-crowned Sparrow

A most welcome and delightful winter resident! Our parks and yards spring to life in the fall with the sights and sounds of the returning White-crowned Sparrows. These sprightly beauties sing out their clear whistling, cadenced tune while gathering in small flocks to forage on the ground or in low shrubs. 

Like most sparrows these active, distinctively recognizable birds are thick-billed seed eaters and eagerly partake of the bounty of fall and winter seeding vegetation and backyard feeders. The adult birds sport very sharp looking black and white crown stripes, whereas their summer offspring retain chestnut and gray crown stripes until their spring departure. Watch and listen for these lively, energetic songbirds in your own yard and nearby parks. Enjoy their sprightly presence now, before their departure on the annual long flight to northern breeding grounds, typically starting the first week of May. – Photos by James Kendall

Bird gallery

Bird of the month flyer

Betty Kanne

Betty Kanne is a passionate birder based in Huntington Beach, California, known for her captivating "Bird of the Month" features authored for the HB Tree Society. With a keen eye and a deep appreciation for avian life, Betty brings to life the diverse array of bird species that call the Huntington Beach area home.

Betty's contributions play a vital role in raising awareness about the importance of birds in our ecosystems. Her dedication to sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm for birding inspires others to engage with nature and become stewards of their local environment, fostering a deeper connection between the community and the rich avian diversity of Huntington Beach, California.

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