Accomplishments in 2015


Accomplishments in 2015

We had a wonderful 2015, in addition to many scouting projects and volunteer days, we had our annual Arbor Day celebration and many other events.


  • Paid three Midori workers with chipping machine to work at Urban Forest and across the street at the parking lot – an all-day project.
  • Midori workers (3) men with chipping machine worked with (3) volunteers at Urban Forest
  • Church group of 40 volunteers helped plant eight trees and 10 plants plus mulched trails at UF.


  • Girl Scout troop 1754 with parents planted seven trees and four plants, students from LaQuinta and University High helped plant (12) butterfly plants and mulched. Sixty volunteers worked.
  • Pacific Life, Good Guys and Girl Scout troop 1754 planted 60+ plants and removed invasive plants at Overlook park.  The area was also mulched.  We had 35 volunteers.
  • Fifteen Edison high school students and 20+ church people came and we all moved mulch at UF.
  • Jon Miller built a bench and planted (32) plants for his Eagle Project in the Urban Forest.


  • Arbor Day event, attended by 35 people. We planted five trees and walked up to the Urban Forest. This year’s location was Huntington Central Park, by Cathy May’s restaurant.
  • Paid to have the creek area weed wacked.  Planted five plants.


  • Two events were held with the library children at the Secret Garden.
  • Met the Fence men to continue to add to the fencing and added the gate.
  • Five church men helped plant two trees and 15 plants down by the creek.
  • Ann worked with two volunteers and they weeded.
  • Large green picnic bench was brought to the UF.
  • Three volunteers planted nine trees and eight California native plants at the Urban Forest.
  • Annual meeting at Urban Forest (with 25 attendees).


  • Orange Coast Fencing installed more post and rail fencing.
  • Volunteers from church group (30) planted and mulched at UF.
  • Ann met with CA Conservation people about the trail.
  • Edison high school students (30) of them mulched and watered.


  • Scout Huffman planted seven trees and 30+ plants at the Urban Forest for his Eagle Project.
  • University students (35) from the Hispanic Club helped with tree/plant care at the Urban Forest.


  • Andrew paid Bob Bates and three crew to make a rock garden with existing boulders on the plateau. area in the Urban Forest. Two volunteers worked with them all day.
  • Twelve Edison High School students helped us plant/mulch 20 plants at the UF.


  • Planted three trees and three plants at the Urban Forest.
  • Matthew  Vagai , troop 224,  planted six trees and 35 California native plants and constructed four bird baths for his Eagle Project at the Urban Forest.
  • Planted two  Cherry trees in Central Park.
  • Planted 20 plants around the four birdbaths.
  • Jean and Ann went to the California ReLeaf tree conference at the University of Riverside for two days.
  • Girl Scout Annie Ho, planted 30 plants at Helme Park for her scout badge.


  • Showed the HBTS accomplishments video at City Council meeting and spoke about water issues.
  • Environmental booth by the Huntington Beach Tree Society (HBTS) volunteers at the Environmental Fair at the Civic Center.


  • Edison High School students helped us plant 30 plants at Urban Forest.
  • Planted 25 plants and four trees with the help of 50+ high school students at the UF.


  • Branden Song Eagle Project —planted 40 plants and six trees.
  • Cameron Lydon Eagle Project constructed a retaining wall along road at Urban Forest and planted 30 native plants and three trees.
  • Thirty-five Edison High School volunteers planted 10 trees and 25 plants.


  • Helme park planting and mulching 50+ volunteers moved 10 truck loads of mulch and planted 25 plants.
  • Post and Rail fencing finished at the Urban Forest.
  • The three drinking fountains are going to be shipped to city yard by Hirsh Pipe and Supply.
    Central Park Dr. median is finished.  The remaining boulders will be stored at the city yard to be used later on in Central Park by Kathy May’s restaurant.
  • Dave Dominquez came up to the Urban Forest and said he would get us a street address and he gave permission for logs around the parking lot, but said to wait because he might have some extra money to finish the fencing with post and rail.
  • Rainbow Disposal gave us two large trash cans for the Urban Forest.
  • Edison and La Quinta high school students helped mulch/fertilized and planted five plants. The 50 volunteers worked more than 100 hours.

The above information does not include all the hours and money spent at the Secret Garden and areas of Central Park or Gibbs Butterfly Park volunteers work week days. Helme Park work days are ongoing. Urban Forest work days are Thursday and Saturday mornings. Central Park work days are weekday mornings, Secret Garden work days are Friday mornings, and Overlook Park has early morning reforesting events. Also add all the hours spent planning, purchasing, coordinating volunteer projects, repairing irrigation and delivering the California native plants and trees that were brought to green-up all our sites. Once a month we meet with city officials to discuss activities.

Everyone involved with our organization, from Volunteer to President, brings immense value and purpose to the work we do.

This article was written by a Huntington Beach Tree Society team member with a sincere passion to help the world we all share get better with each passing day.

If you would like to get involved and make a difference today, we invite you to connect with us.

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