Bird of the Month

Huntington Beach ­Tree Society

March Bird of the Month, 2024

Owl collage by James Kendall

Great Horned Owl

The Great Horned Owl is a habitually successful, resident breeding bird species in Huntington Central Park. Multiple groves of mature trees and open foraging areas provide an ideal habitat for these highly secretive nocturnal birds of prey. Great Horned Owls, like many raptors, are thought to be monogamous and mate for life. The distinctive, low, [...]

February Bird of the Month, 2024

Bald Eagle

As the national symbol of the United States, the awe inspiring adult Bald Eagle is one of the most recognized birds throughout its vast range of North America. Despite its distinctive appearance and impressive size it was nearly driven to extinction in the lower 48 states by the mid 1900’s due to the use of [...]

January Bird of the Month, 2024

American Crow

The loud, distinctive CAW! CAW! CAW! of the American Crow is a familiar year-round sound echoing across our wide continent in farm, field, and urban areas. Crows are considered to be among the most intelligent of birds, with their remarkably large brains and observably clever behaviors. Their widespread abundance serves as a valid testimony to [...]

December Bird of the Month, 2023

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

A tiny, feisty acrobat is suddenly perceived briskly moving through the dense leafy bushes. At just 4 inches, this active gray insect-hunter appears to be mostly tail that is cocked, fanned and flashed sporadically. This spirited bird’s subdued gray-blue tones are accentuated by a distinctive white eye-ring, snow-white tail edges flashing excitedly in order to [...]

November Bird of the Month, 2023

Northern Flicker

Astonishing!! That loud, repetitively piercing wicka-wicka-wicka call directs us to a large, distinctive forest bird showing dark breast polka-dots, an improbable black bib and a long, stiff, spikey tail veritably dripping in red! That “take-no-prisoners” dynamic upstart has most certainly returned! Astonishing! is not a hyperbolic description but rather a quite sober appraisal of a [...]