Bird Survey

Huntington Beach ­Tree Society

Bird Survey – Feb 2024

On this Leap Year Day, Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (eBird), Jim Kendall, Ellen Tipping, and Dave and Sharon Telford counted all the birds they could hear and see in the Urban Forest. The weather was in the 50s to mid-60s.  Mostly overcast and calm with sunlight in and out at the end of the survey. [...]

Bird Survey – Jan 2024

Unexpected rain didn’t stop the six volunteers who showed up this rainy morning.  Five of us crowded into Lena’s car while Jim Currie stayed dry in his vehicle.  We were all confident the rain would stop, and it only set us back 15 minutes.  Wet and muddy, occasionally drizzly, it was dark and overcast until [...]

Bird Survey – Nov 2023

Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (eBirder), Dave and Sharon Telford, Jim Kendall, Jim Currie, and Kari Duffield came out this morning.  It was Kari’s first time at the Urban Forest though she has helped with other local surveys. It was a cold but calm morning to start with temperatures ranging from the high 50s to mid-60 [...]

Bird Survey – Oct 2023

Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (eBirder), Dave and Sharon Telford, Jim Kendall, Nancy Kappelmann, Brenda Sabin, and Deborah Brin came out this morning.  We welcomed back Brenda Sabin and were delighted to have Deborah Brin join us for the first time. It was a beautiful sunny, calm, and clear day with temperatures ranging from the mid-60s [...]