Bird Survey

Huntington Beach ­Tree Society

Bird Survey – Sept 2023

Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (eBirder), Dave and Sharon Telford, Jim Kendall, and Jim Currie were the surveyors.  We began at 7:30 AM. It was a humid, initially overcast day in the mid-70s. The species count continues to be low this month now that breeding season is over, and most birds stop singing and molt their [...]

Bird Survey – August 2023

Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (eBirder), Dave and Sharon Telford, Jim Kendall, and Jim Currie were the surveyors.  We began at 7:30 AM. It was a humid, initially overcast day in the mid-70s. The species count continues to be low this month now that breeding season is over, and most birds stop singing and molt their [...]

Bird Survey – July 2023

The predicted high temperatures for today warranted a start an hour earlier than usual.  Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (eBirder), Dave and Sharon Telford, Nancy Kappelmann, and dear Jim Kendall, who just returned from a month-long trip to Finland, came out to a partly foggy morning. While forming at the HB Dog Park parking lot, we [...]

Bird Survey – June 2023

It was a cold, overcast morning at the Urban Forest.  Temperatures never rose past the mid 50’s with the slight chilling breeze.  Surveyors were: Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (eBirder), Debra Gala, Dave and Sharon Telford, and Jim Currie. Birds were quiet and few except the House Finches, adults and juveniles, flocking together. It was a [...]