Bird Survey

Huntington Beach ­Tree Society

Bird Survey – May 2022

It was a beautiful, clear, and calm morning with the temperature in the 60’s.  The sun came out by the time we reached the top of the hill. Surveyors were Lena Hayashi, Dave and Sharon Telford, Jim Kendall, Rick Shearer, and Betty Kanne, who kindly did the eBird list. Spring is magical!  The plants and [...]

Bird Survey – April 2022

It was a cool, drizzly morning with the temperature in the 60’s.  Our group was small this morning with Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (who was kind enough to eBird), Ellen Tipping, Jim Kendall, and Rick Shearer. We were expecting a nice spring count of birds but the cold, wet weather, kept the variety and numbers [...]

Bird Survey – March 2022

It was a cool, calm, and overcast day with the temperature in the 60’s. Our group was small this morning with Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (who was kind enough to eBird), Ellen Tipping, Jim Stacy, Nancy Kappelmann, and Rick Shearer. The House Wrens were numerous and singing up a storm with one seen carrying nesting [...]

Bird Survey – January 2022

It was a beautiful, clear, calm, and sunny day.  Temperatures ranged from low 50s to mid 60s.  Surveyors were Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne, Dave and Sharon Telford, Jim Kendall, Jim Currie, Ellen Tipping, Clair Grozinger, Nancy Kapplemann, Maureen Myers, and Rick Shearer. Eleven of us started out together and split up at times to survey [...]

Bird Survey – February 2022

It was very cold, but the morning was beautiful, clear, calm, and sunny, with snow-capped mountains in the distance. Temperatures ranged from 45 degrees to low 60s.  Surveyors were Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne (eBird), Dave and Sharon Telford, Jim Kendall, Ellen Tipping, Barbara Wasbin and Laura K. Laura is one of the many hard-working volunteers [...]
