Bird Survey – August 2024


Bird Survey – August 2024

August 29, 2024
7:07 AM – 9:24 AM
25 Species, 219 Individuals

This monthly Urban Forest bird survey had overcast to last-minute sunny skies with temps low to mid 70s. The bird surveyors were James Kendall (camera & scope), Dave Telford (camera), Sharon Telford , Brian Bleecker, (camera), and Betty Kanne as scribe. Each of the birds observed are listed below. Click on their names to learn more.


  1. Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 20
  2. Mourning Dove  4
  3. Allen’s Hummingbird 23
  4. Double-crested Cormorant 5
  5. Cooper’s Hawk 1
  6. Red-shouldered Hawk 1
  7. Black Phoebe  5
  8. Hutton’s Vireo 3
  9. American Crow  32
  10. Bushtit 21
  11. Swinhoe’s White-eye 16
  12. House Wren  14
  13. Western Bluebird  6
  14. Scaly-breasted Munia  3
  15. House Finch  21
  16. Lesser Goldfinch  9
  17. American Goldfinch 2
  18. Song Sparrow  6
  19. California Towhee  8
  20. Hooded Oriole  5
  21. Orange-crowned Warbler 4
  22. Common Yellowthroat 1
  23. Wilson’s Warbler  4
  24. Western TanagerN  3
  25. Black-headed Grosbeak 2
Betty Kanne

Betty Kanne is a passionate birder based in Huntington Beach, California, known for her captivating "Bird of the Month" features authored for the HB Tree Society. With a keen eye and a deep appreciation for avian life, Betty brings to life the diverse array of bird species that call the Huntington Beach area home.

Betty's contributions play a vital role in raising awareness about the importance of birds in our ecosystems. Her dedication to sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm for birding inspires others to engage with nature and become stewards of their local environment, fostering a deeper connection between the community and the rich avian diversity of Huntington Beach, California.

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