Bird Survey – September 2022


Bird Survey – September 2022

Bird-A-Thon Observations
September 22, 2022
41 Species, 315 Individuals

Team Lena’s Legion kicked off the first Urban Forest Bird-A-Thon this morning.  It was a beautiful day. Sunny, clear, and calm with temperatures in the mid 70’s and NOT HUMID!  Lena’s army of wonderfully talented, fun-loving, and talkative birders included Betty Kanne, Ellen Tipping, Jim Kendall, Jim Currie, Brenda Sabin, Debra Gala, Claire Grozinger, Pema Zonglo, and Josh Joun.  Everyone had a great time scanning the sky, trees, and shrubs calling out birds and directing others to see them. Kudos to Ellen who always had a kind smile and nod as she skillfully and accurately recorded the species and numbers on eBird as 9 of us called out sightings.

41 species were seen, thanks to Josh and Pema who saw a Say’s Phoebe on their way out of the Urban Forest, and a total of 312 birds were counted.  Today we welcomed back some of our winter residents: Say’s Phoebe, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Hermit Thrush, Townsend’s Warbler, Savannah Sparrow, and White-crowned Sparrows. 

Our Sept. 22-25 BIRD-A-THON goal has been to raise money for the Urban Forest to provide more native habitats, especially with California Sagebrush, Artemisia californica, to entice the endangered California Gnatcatcher to reside in the Urban Forest. 

Lena Hayashi

Lena Hayashi is a passionate birder and an integral part of the birding community in Huntington Beach, California. For years, she has dedicated herself to tallying bird counts at Shipley Nature Center. In the fall of 2020, Lena expanded her birding endeavors by spearheading monthly bird surveys in the Urban Forest.

Through these surveys, Lena and the other participating birders photograph and document the presence and abundance of bird species in the area. This data is then shared publically via eBird, for researching trends and patterns in bird populations and migration.

Her dedication to bird conservation has earned her respect among fellow birders and conservationists alike. By sharing her knowledge and enthusiasm with others, Lena inspires individuals of all ages to connect with nature and become stewards of their local ecosystems. Her efforts serve as a reminder of the importance of citizen science and community involvement in preserving the rich biodiversity of Huntington Beach and beyond.

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