Bird Survey – March 2021
Urban Forest Monthly Survey
March 25, 2021
On a brisk morning, in the 50’s with mostly overcast skies, Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne, Jim Kendall, Dave and Sharon Telford, Sandy Smith, Jim Currie, Mark Johnston and Barbara Wasbin, divided up into two groups to count the birds of the Urban Forest. One group started in the grasslands along Edwards Street while the other counted in the grasslands along Goldenwest Street, both meeting up to survey the “top” together. Whenever the sun decided to peek out of the clouds, the birds would respond by singing and perching up on branches. We saw a number of hummingbirds doing their mating displays. The Anna’s flies high, straight up into the sky and then dive bombs down and right at the last second, making a “pop” sound with its wings, it completes its “J” shaped display. Allen’s fly up, but not as high as the Anna’s, and then down, and starts a shallow, back and forth, pendulum-like, rocking display. A number of California Towhees sat high on branches but none seemed to be inclined to sing in the cold, overcast morning.
Now that Spring has sprung, we will be looking for the birds that actually nest in the Urban Forest. Today, the Lesser Goldfinch is the first nesting species found in the Urban Forest! Jim Kendall happened to see a bird flying into a young pine tree and then heard another bird and saw wings flapping and the first bird feeding the second and then fly off. After a considerable amount of time, we located the nest and watched from a distance. At first, we thought it was a parent feeding young but with the use of a scope, we realized the bird was sitting on the nest, not in it, and could see its feathers were fully developed. After a bit of research, it was found that Lesser Goldfinches usually nest from April to July on the west coast. This one is a little early, maybe due to climate change. The female usually sits quietly, with its tail cocked up at an angle, which this one did, and will lay 4-6 eggs. We will be excited to check on them at the April survey and give an update.
Checklist S84087277
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Thu 25 Mar 2021
8:17 AM
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 16
mostly flying over in twos -
Number observed: 7
heading to stables -
Number observed: 7
Number observed: 13
Number observed: 11
some displaying for a mate -
Number observed: 13
some displaying for a mate -
Number observed: 2
flyovers -
Number observed: 1
flyover -
Number observed: 1
flyover -
Number observed: 1
on a telephone pole just outside UF on Edwards -
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 8
Number observed: 3
singing -
Number observed: 3
© Lena Hayashi Macaulay Library -
Number observed: 14
Number observed: 10
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 4
Number observed: 4
© Lena Hayashi Macaulay Library -
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 6
singing -
Number observed: 23
Number observed: 4
two pairs -
Number observed: 4
one within wooden fenced forestMedia
© Lena Hayashi Macaulay Library -
Number observed: 16
Number observed: 23
nest found in young pine tree with female on nest and male feeding herMedia
© Lena Hayashi Macaulay Library -
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 21
Number observed: 8
Number observed: 12
many on higher branches but not singing -
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 26
Number observed: 1
Number observed: 2
Number observed: 3
Number observed: 6
Number observed: 11