Bird Survey

Huntington Beach ­Tree Society

Bird Survey – November 2021

Because the wind blew all night and by morning, it was a quandary to decide if the survey was a go or not.  Brave souls Jim Kendall and Dave Telford ventured out to check conditions.  Though they reported back that the wind was fierce, and we had decided to postpone the survey until Friday, Jim [...]

Bird Survey – October 2021

Savannah Sparrow, American Kestrel and Lesser Goldfinch, photographed during the October survey in the Urban Forest. © James Kendall Macaulay Library Lena Hayashi, Jim Kendall, Dave and Sharon Telford, Betty Kanne, Jim Currie, Barbara Wasbin, and Nancy Kappelmann counted the UF birds on this clear, calm, sunny but cool, and beautiful day–60 degrees to start and a [...]

Bird Survey – September 2021

This survey marks the first anniversary of the “official” Urban Park Bird Survey!  What a wonderfully pleasant day with temperatures in the high 60s to low 70s, and clear skies with a slight breeze.  Surveyors Lena Hayashi, Jim Kendall, Jim Currie, Brenda Sabin, Dave and Sharon Telford, Claire Grozinger, Betty Kanne, and Kelly Coles went [...]

Bird Survey – August 2021

It was calm, clear, and sunny; temperatures in the low 70s rising to a humid 80 degrees. We had three “Jims” (Kendall, Currie and Stacy), Ellen Tipping, Betty Kanne, Brenda Sabin, Nancy Kappelmann, and Maureen Myers, along with me, to survey the start of fall migration. Thanks much to Ellen for recording the count on [...]