Bird Survey

Huntington Beach ­Tree Society

Bird Survey – July 2021

Thanks to Dave Telford, Jim Kendall, Betty Kanne, and Jim Currie for coming out this morning to conduct the monthly survey. It was a beautiful morning, clear, calm, in the low 70’s with a light and cool ocean breeze. The begging calls of juvenile songbirds from last month were replaced by immature hawks. Two juvenile Cooper’s [...]

Bird Survey – June 2021

It was a beautiful morning–clear, calm and a bit overcast in the early hours, but soon brightened up with sunshine and temperatures in the 60s. Thanks to Dave and Sharon Telford, Jim Kendall, Betty Kanne, and Brenda Sabin for coming out to conduct the monthly survey. Special thanks to Brenda for recording the count on [...]

Bird Survey – May 2021

Sharon and Dave Telford, Jim Currie, Lena Hayashi, Barbara Wasbin, Betty Kanne, Jim Kendall, Mark Johnston, and Brenda Sabin (pictured above), enjoyed a slightly overcast, but pleasant, clear and calm day with temperatures in the 60s when they set out in May to count all the birds they could see and hear. The majority of [...]

Bird Survey – April 2021

It was a beautiful sunny, clear, and calm morning with the temperature in the 60s when Lena Hayashi, Jim Kendall, Betty Kanne, Brenda Sabin, Ellen Tipping, Ellyn Siskind, Barbara Wasbin, Mark Johnston, and Jim Currie began, and around 72 when we finished. We were all anxious to see what birds would be seen during this [...]

Bird Survey – March 2021

On a brisk morning, in the 50’s with mostly overcast skies, Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne, Jim Kendall, Dave and Sharon Telford, Sandy Smith, Jim Currie, Mark Johnston and Barbara Wasbin, divided up into two groups to count the birds of the Urban Forest.  One group started in the grasslands along Edwards Street while the other [...]
