Bird Survey

Huntington Beach ­Tree Society

Bird Survey – April 2023

After being blown and rained out in February and March, April turned out to be a grand day to bird the Urban Forest.  Though it was overcast and cold, seven of us enjoyed counting more species than ever before.  A record number of 54 species! Spring has sprung and we took our time to enjoy [...]

Bird Survey – January 2023

The survey was cancelled due to high winds but Lena Hayashi, Betty Kanne, and Jim Currie braved the 17 and 22 mph bursts to do the best they could.  The wind acted like a giant leaf blower and blew all the fallen leaves out from under the trees and bushes!  Other than the flock of Western [...]

Bird Survey – November 2023

Thanksgiving Day and this marks the third anniversary of bird surveys at the Urban Forest!  It started as a beautiful, calm, and sunny morning with temperatures in the 60s. Betty Kanne, the spark that initiated these surveys, as usual was kind enough to record the eBird list and Jim Kendall came with his camera. Jim [...]